ACTION is working to decrease the amount of time pediatric VAD patients spend in the hospital to get kids home and to stay at home! This descriptive study, published in ASAIO Journal, reveals that only half of 298 children with VAD implants were discharged from the hospital and 2/3 needed to be readmitted. We can do better! This study sought to describe pediatric VAD discharge and readmission frequency, revealing that discharge has increased over time, readmission is common, and the risk of mortality is low.
Looking forward, how can we get kids to go (and stay) home after VAD implant? Our goals are to increase discharges, optimize outpatient management, and improve practice variability across centers. Together, we can do this!
ACTION leaders collaborating on this study include Brian Feingold of UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Angie Lorts of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, David Rosenthal of Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Farhan Zafar of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Jennifer Conway of Stollery Children’s Hospital, Barbara Elias of Stollery Children’s Hospital, Hari Tunuguntla of Texas Children’s Hospital, and Justin Godown of Monroe Carell Jr Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.
Bearl DW, Feingold B, Lorts A, Rosenthal D, Zafar F, Conway J, Elias B, Tunuguntla H, Thurm C, Amdani S, Jaworski N, Godown J. Discharge and Readmissions After Ventricular Assist Device Placement in the US Pediatric Hospitals: A Collaboration in ACTION. ASAIO J. 2020 Nov 12. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001307. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33196481.