Our Data
Almost every pediatric hospital in the United States and Canada serving patients with advanced heart failure is a member of ACTION and contributes data collection for continuous learning and development. Together, we comprise the largest nationwide effort to improve outcomes for pediatric patients with heart failure and VADs.
— Heart Failure —
Ventricular Assist Devices
The data below was taken from our interactive Power BI report, which represents real time data collection and not finalized cases. After sites finalize data entry and adjudication has been performed, a final version of the data will be recorded in the ACTION registry and can be requested from the ACTION DCC. For this reason the data below should not be used in publications, but is suitable for presentations and internal use.

Patients Enrolled
in VAD Registry as of 10/4/24

Sites Reporting Data

Only ACTION members with provisioned Power BI access can view the full live report. For access, contact the ACTION DCC. To access your site specific report, click this link. The site specific report will show up on the “Apps” section on “Power BI Service.”
For more information on project specific data, visit Our Projects.
April 2018 – December 2023
ACTION Data Coordinating Center. “2023 Annual ACT-VAD Report.” Report date September 17, 2024.
Note: Viewing the interactive report requires an ACTION PowerBI login.
- 2022 Annual ACT-VAD Report PDF | Interactive (requires login)
ACTION Data Coordinating Center. “2022 Annual ACT-VAD Report.” Report date July 1, 2023.

ACTION VAD Mortality Calculator for Clinicians
This tool is used by clinicians in ACTION for the purpose of quality improvement. It should only be used to manage expectations and plan for potential complications that may occur. Knowing that a patient is at high risk should heighten awareness and improve outcomes of these critically ill children.
VAD Registry Download Instructions
This tool provides instructions on how to download your ACTION site’s data from the ACTION VAD Registry.

Need to Submit a Proposal?
Do you have an idea for an abstract or publication proposal for ACTION? Use our online submission form! We also have a submission form for simple data requests.