
The Pulse July 2022

The Pulse — July 2022

It has been a few months since our last newsletter.  We are trying a new communication method: a “Forecast” email goes out every two weeks with important dates, meetings and resources; and newsletter, which now include data visualizations, will be distributed quarterly.

ACTION MD Projects

Improving Treatment & Outcomes for Children with Muscular Dystrophy

Patients with Muscular Dystrophy may develop cardiac dysfunction and may need advanced cardiac therapies. These therapies may include medications, ventricular assist devices or new technology for monitoring. Quality improvement and research methodologies are being used to improve the cardiac outcomes of this patient group.

Fontan Referral for Advanced Care

Patients with Fontan physiology may develop symptoms that require life-saving cardiac care such heart failure medicines, VAD support and/or transplantation. ACTION is working on timely referral for this cohort which is extremely important for optimal outcomes.

Education for Patients, Families, and Providers

We continually work to improve and develop educational resources on heart failure and advanced therapies, such as VADs. Our materials, both written and electronic, are designed for a wide variety of user groups including patients, caregivers, and clinical providers.